At the heart of CPTM’s activities
Applied research and the development of new technologies have always been the centre of CPTM activities.
In addition to the many research topics dealt with over the years on behalf of our clients, CPTM has carried out many R&D activities within projects funded and co-funded in public research programs.
At the moment we are working on the following projects co-funded by the Tuscany Region in the framework of POR FESR 2014-2020:
- COCONAT: Processi innovativi di produzione di concianti e coloranti naturali da matrici agroalimentari di scarto
- MINOSSE: Innovative equipment for dehairing by oxidation
- NOÈ: Metodo innovativo per l’estrazione dell’olio di oliva
- REVYTA: Recupero della vetroresina da yacht, treni e camper
- VALE: Valorizzazione di scarti agroalimentari per la produzione di olio di oliva a valore nutraceutico aumentato
CPTM also participates in the following Horizon 2020 research projects co-funded by the European Union: