- L.Marchetti, F. Annunzi, M. Guastaferro, M. Vaccai, M. Faè, L. Tognotti, C. Nicolella, Turning waste into power: pyrolysis of pulper rejects for sustainable energy generation, 7th International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management (WWEM-24) , Lisbon, July 24-26, 2024.
- L. Marchetti, M. Guastaferro, M. Vaccari, F. Annunzi, L. Tognotti, C. Nicolella, Advancing sustainable waste management: an experimental investigation of two-step pyrolysis for enhanced plastic solid waste valorization, International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 28), Turku/Åbo, June 16-19, 2024.
- L. Marchetti, M. Guastaferro, F. Annunzi, L. Tognotti, C. Nicolella, M. Vaccari, Two-stage thermal pyrolysis of plastic solid waste: Set-up and operative conditions investigation for gaseous fuel production, Waste Management, Volume 179, 30 April 2024, Pages 77-86
- L. Marchetti, F. Annunzi, F. Fiorini, C. Nicolella, Experimental Study on Two-Step Pyrolysis of Automotive Shredder Residue, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering Vol:18, No:02, 2024
- F. Annunzi, C. Nicolella, R. S. Stella, M. Lenzi, F. Signorini, Recovery of lithium from brine by phosphate precipitation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 98, 207-212, April 2023.
- L. Vanni, C. Nicolella, S. Montomoli, A. Bardi, M. Paci, and A. Lenzi, Pilot testing of a dry HCl abatement process for geothermal steam, Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 86, pp. 409-414, Jun. 2021.
- Canale, A.; Benelli, G.; Castagna, A.; Sgherri, C.; Poli, P.; Serra, A.; Mele, M.; Ranieri, A.; Signorini, F.; Bientinesi, M.; Nicolella, C. Microwave-Assisted Drying for the Conservation of Honeybee Pollen. Materials 2016, 9, 363.
- M. Bientinesi, C. Nicolella, P. Maccone, G. Boccaletti, Solubility and diffusivity of carbon dioxide in perfluoropolyethers, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 105, 16–23, 2016.
- M. Bientinesi, C. Scali, L. Petarca, Radio Frequency Heating for Oil Recovery and Soil Remediation, 9th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2015), Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, June 7-10, 2015.
- F. Argenti, L. Guerrini, F. Rossi, G. Landucci, Experimental and numerical characterization of fireproofing materials based on ASTM E162 Standard, 6th International Conference on Safety & Environment in Process & Power Industry (CISAP-6), Bologna , April 13-16, 2014
- S. Barrett, N. Arias, A. Tigeras, D. Aquaro, F. Annunzi, Theoretical and Experimental Investigations into the Behaviour of Catalyst, Silica Gel and Activated Carbon in the Gaseous Waste Treatment System for the Flamanville 3 EPR, Nuclear Plant Chemistry Conference NPC2014, Sapporo, October 26-31, 2014.
- A. Cerutti, M. Bandinelli, M. Bientinesi, L. Petarca, M. De Simoni, M. Manotti, G. Maddinelli, A New Technique for Heavy OilRecovery Based on Electromagnetic Heating: System Design and Numerical Modelling, 11th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering (IcheaP-11), Milan, June 2-5, 2013.
- M. Bientinesi, L. Petarca, A. Cerutti, M. Bandinelli, M. De Simoni, M. Manotti, G. Maddinelli, A New Technique for Heavy Oil Recovery Based on Electromagnetic Heating: Pilot Scale Experimental Validation, 11th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering (IcheaP-11), Milan, June 2-5, 2013.
- M. Bientinesi, L. Petarca, A. Cerutti, M. Bandinelli, M. De Simoni, M. Manotti, G. Maddinelli, A radiofrequency/microwave heating method for thermal heavy oil recovery based on a novel tight-shell conceptual design, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 107, 18-30, 2013.
- A. Sarri, M. Batisti, M. Bientinesi, Measurements of complex permittivity of geological materials mixtures at RF frequencies, 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), 2109 – 2113, 2012.
- M. Bientinesi, A. Ferraro, L. Petarca, Estrazione di metalli pesanti da suoli contaminati tramite EDTA, Convegno Nazionale GRICU 2012, Montesilvano (PE), September 16 – 19, 2012.
- C. Nicolella, B. Casini, F. Rossi, A. Chericoni, G. Pardini, Thermal sanitizing in a commercial dishwashing machine, Journal of Food Safety, 31, 81–90, 2011.
- M. Bientinesi, L. Petarca, H2 Separation from Gas Mixtures through Palladium Membranes on Metallic Porous Supports, 10th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering (IcheaP-10), Florence, May 8-11, 2011.
- M. Bientinesi, L. Petarca, Preparation of thin-film Pd membranes for H2 separation from synthesis gas and detailed design of a permeability testing unit, Hardcover book, NovaPublisher, 2010.
- M. Bientinesi, Hydrogen separation from synthesis gas through membranes, Ph.D. Thesis, Università di Pisa, 2010.
- G. Landucci, F. Rossi, C. Nicolella, S. Zanelli, Design and testing of innovative materials for passive fire protection, Fire Safety Journal 44 (8), 1103-1109, 2009.
- M. Simone, M. Bientinesi, C. Nicolella, Environmental impact of oil-based biofuels production processes, International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering (IcheaP-9), Rome, May 10-13, 2009.
- M. Bientinesi, L. Petarca, Comparative environmental analysis of waste brominated plastic thermal treatments, Waste Management, 29 (3), 1095-1102, 2009.
- M. Simone, M. Bientinesi, C. Nicolella, L. Petarca, Integration of a small biofuel refinery in a rural context, Chemical Engineering Research and Design (ChERD), 87 (9), 1191-1205, 2009.
- G. Landucci, F. Rossi, C. Nicolella, S. Zanelli, Design and testing of innovative composites for passive fire protection, International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (IAPSAM), Hong Kong, 2008.
- G. Nardini, L. Vanni, Progetto Innowaves “Applicabilità di sistemi a microonde alle principali filiere produttive Toscane”, 2007.
- G. Landucci, F. Rossi, C. Nicolella, S. Zanelli, Materiali compositi in fibra di basalto per la protezione passiva di apparecchiature soggette a getti incendiati, V Convegno sulla Valutazione e Gestione del Rischio negli Insediamenti Civili ed Industriali (VGR 2006), Pisa, October 17-19, 2006.
- G. Nardini, F. Annunzi, F. Petarca, G. Bernacca, L. Petarca, Ridurre le emissioni di NOx attraverso lo studio di processi ossidativi, Operations, Anno 3, N°5-6, 2005.
- G. Nardini, F. Annunzi, F. Petarca, G. Bernacca, L. Petarca, Control of NOx emission by SO2 enhanced oxidation of NO in a dry sodium bicarbonate sorbent injection system, Process 2005, Bologna, February 16-18, 2005.
- G. Nardini, L. Petarca, D. Simoni, L. Vanni, Application of regenerative thermal oxidizers for the abatement of VOCs in the nautical sector, 7th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering (ICHEAP-7), Taormina, May 15-18, 2005.
- G. Nardini, L. Petarca, L. Filippeschi, D. Simoni, Recovery of Triethylamine from a waste stream of solvent mixture from antibiotics production, 7th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering (ICHEAP-7), Taormina, May 15-18, 2005.
- F. Bianchi, C. Geloni, Atomistic simulation of plastic deformation in bisphenol-A polycarbonate: an example of reptation in the solid state, Time of Polymers, Ischia (Italy), June 20-23, 2004.
- G. Nardini, P. Nardini, Studi di ecoprofili per processi di produzione materiali, Life Cycle Assessment e Progettazione Ecosostenibile, Genova, July 7, 2004.
- G. Nardini, F. Annunzi, F. Petarca, G. Bernacca, L. Petarca, Oxidation of NO to NO2 in presence of SO2, 13th World Clean Air & Environmental Protection Congress & Exhibition, London, August 22-27, 2004.
- G. Nardini, L. Petarca, D. Simoni, New experimental research on RTO pilot plant, 13th World Clean Air & Environmental Protection Congress & Exhibition, London, August 22-27, 2004.
- F. Annunzi, F. Guastini, G. Nardini, A. Paglianti, L. Petarca, An easy way for gas washing, 6th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering (ICHEAP-6), Pisa, June 8-11, 2003.
- F. Annunzi, F. Guastini, G. Nardini, A. Paglianti, L. Petarca, Zero Emission Process: a new process for abatement acid pollutants from waste gases, 6th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering (ICHEAP-6), June 8-11, 2003.
- F. Bianchi, A. Lazzeri, M. Pracella, A. D’Aquino, G. Ligeri, Thermal and mechanical characterization of polyethylene and polypropylene copolymer toughened with submicron BaSO4 particles, XVI Convegno Italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia delle Macromolecole, Pisa, September 21-25, 2003.
- F. Bianchi, A. Lazzeri, M. Pracella, A. D’Aquino, G. Ligeri, Fracture behavior of polyethylene and polypropylene toughened with submicron BaSO4 particles, Interfaces and Interphases in Multicomponent Materials, Balatonfured, Hungary, October 5-8, 2003.
- C. Galletti, E. Brunazzi, G. Nardini, L. Petarca, Removal of solvents from industrial waste waters, 5th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering (ICHEAP-5), Firenze, May 20-23, 2001.